
  • 126
    2 February 2023
    By Clotilde Couturier

    Watch the interview with the French filmmaker Iris Chassaigne about her short film Swan dans le centre selected in the 2023 National Competition (F4 programme).

  • I-Escasso-1-RVB
    2 February 2023
    By Abla Kandalaft

    Interview with Clara Anastácia and Gabriela Gaia Meirelles, co-directors of Escasso  What inspired you to make a mockumentary? It’s quite an original format! Clara: I wanted to portray the performative state of the present time. Not only the scene’s time, but also the speech, which always appears to be spontaneous. Inspired by YouTube videos and the works of the documentary maker Eduardo Coutinho, I […]

  • Lawrence Abu H
    2 February 2023
    By Clotilde Couturier

    Watch the interview with the Jordanian filmmaker Lawrence Abu Hamdan about his short film 45th Parallel selected in the 2023 Lab Competition (L3 programme).

  • F–LeJourOùJÉtaisPerdu-1-RVB
    2 February 2023
    By Abla Kandalaft

    Interview with Soufiane Adel, director of Le Jour où j’étais perdu [One Day When I Was Lost]  alk to us about the bond that unites the Voyager and Alain’s journey.The Voyager space mission was started by NASA in the 70s with the goal of exploring the solar system and of sending signals of our societies on Earth to potential alien civilizations. It was […]

  • 111
    2 February 2023
    By Élise Loiseau

    Watch the interview with the French filmmaker Jean Decré about his short film Derrrière la nuit selected in the 2023 National Competition (F3 programme).

  • 141
    2 February 2023
    By Abla Kandalaft

    Watch the interview with the American filmmaker Dwayne LeBlanc about his short film Civic selected in the 2023 International Competition (I14 programme).

  • I-NowhereFloat-1-RVB
    2 February 2023
    By Élise Loiseau

    Interview with Fan Zhang, director of Nowhere Float What inspired you to tell the story of Xiaomei?Xiaomei is a Liuquin opera actress who escapes from her hometown Cangshan, doing house cleaning work in Shanghai. When she returns to Cangshan to her distanced relatives, her estranged husband and her mother with Alzheimer’s, she has mixed feelings. She wants to take her mother to live […]

  • I-Mulika-1-RVB
    2 February 2023
    By Élise Loiseau

    Interview with Maisha Maene, director of Mulika What was the starting point of Mulika?    The idea of Mulika came when I was questionning the future of Congo, a country with gigantic mineral deposits but with a population that does not benefit from them. As an Afrofuturist filmmaker I wanted to imagine a future for my country and create a way to escape the exploitation […]

  • 124
    1 February 2023
    By Clotilde Couturier

    Watch the interview with the French-Swiss filmmaker Basile Vuillemin about his short film Les Silencieux selected in the 2023 National Competition (F3 programme).

  • I-Hafra’at Hitmotetut Hamoshava-1-RVB
    1 February 2023
    By Élise Loiseau

    Interview with Amos Holzman, director of Hafra’at Hitmotetut Hamoshava [Colony Collapse Disorder] Your film deals with two young Israelis, one trying to escape compulsory military service. Why did you want to tell their story?It’s easy to forget sometimes, that soldiers are teenagers. They get drafted at 18, and being expected to abruptly cut off their adolescence. I wanted to present the discord of the teenage […]

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