

Short talk – Camille Authouart

Watch the interview with the French filmmaker Camille Authouart about her short film La Grande Arche selected in the 2023 National Competition (F4 programme).

13 February 2023

Short talk- Iris Chassaigne

Watch the interview with the French filmmaker Iris Chassaigne about her short film Swan dans le centre selected in the 2023 National Competition (F4 programme).

2 February 2023

Short talk – Xavier Debeir Lacaille

Watch the interview with the French filmmaker Xavier Debeir Lacaille about his short film Un dernier été selected in the 2023 National Competition (F4 programme).

30 January 2023

Short talk – Claudia Bottino

Watch the interview with the Italian filmmaker Claudia Bottino about her short film  À trois selected in the National Competition 2023 (F4 programme).

28 January 2023

Nightcap with I Kemi Varros Baballarët

Interview with Hekuran Isufi, director of I Kemi Varros Baballarët I Kemi Varros Baballarët deals with Dardan’s return  from France to Kosovo to visit his father’s grave. What were […]

21 January 2023

Short Talk – Marin Gérard

Watch the interview with the French filmmaker Marin Gérard about his short film À l’ombre l’après-midi selected in the 2022 National Competition (F4 programme).

4 February 2022

Breakfast with Cataracte [Cataract]

Interview with Faustine Crespy and Laetitia de Montalembert, co-directors of Cataracte [Cataract]  What inspired you for Nicky’s character? Is she based on someone you know?To write Cataracte, we were […]

3 February 2022
L’homme à la mercedes pourpre-RVB

Lunch with L’Homme à la Mercedes pourpre

interview with Marine Levéel, director of L’Homme à la Mercedes pourpre How did you come up with the character Annie and what did you want to explore through her […]

2 February 2022

Short Talk – Laetitia de Montalembert & Faustine Crespy

Watch the interview with the French filmmakers Laetitia de Montalembert and Faustine Crespy about their short film Cataracte selected in the 2022 National Competition (F4 programme).

1 February 2022
Que la Bête monte-RVB

Dinner with Que la Bête monte

Interview with Marthe Sébille, director of Que la Bête monte Where did you get the idea for this rather supernatural adventure?This project has been in development for a very […]

22 January 2022
Clermont ISFF | F4 | Clermont ISFF
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