
  • L–AShortStory-5-RVB
    27 January 2023
    By Clotilde Couturier

    Interview with Bi Gan, director of A Short Story What inspired you to make A Short Story?The inspiration for the script is the bedtime stories I often made up for my children. I keep notes of the interesting ones. How long did you work on the script before starting to shoot? How much space did you leave for improvisation?We spent about a month […]

  • F–OvanGruvan-3-RVB300
    27 January 2023
    By Clotilde Couturier

    Interview with Théo Audoire and Lova Karlsson, co-directors of Ovan Gruvan  How did you learn of the situation in this city? Lova had been there several times, so she had heard about relocations. Kiruna sits atop the largest iron mine in Europe, and this mining activity threatens certain neighborhoods from collapse. This situation particularly concerns the city center, which is currently being relocated three […]

  • I-Clean-1-RVB
    27 January 2023
    By Abla Kandalaft

    Interview with Miranda Stern, director of Clean It’s a very candid piece of work. What was the context and what were your motivations for telling this story?Scientific research exploring the self-administration of morphine in animals in the 1970s proved that when rats were offered two water bottles – one filled with water and the other with heroin – the rats would repetitively drink […]

  • L–ThePhantomTouch-2-RVB
    27 January 2023
    By Clotilde Couturier

    Interview with Pablo Cuturrufo, director of The Phantom Touch How did you construct your narrative from the VR chats in The Phantom Touch? Did you approach users with the project already in mind?       The narrative was built along the way, as when I started I was not sure what the documentary was going to be about. I just knew I wanted to explore and […]

  • F–BigBang-1-RVB
    26 January 2023
    By Clotilde Couturier

    Interview with Carlos Segundo, director of Big Bang  What interested you in the relationship to extreme heat in Big Bang?Big Bang is the second short film in a trilogy of “space” films (the first one being Sideral). In Big Bang, I maintain my focus on the ordinary lives of the marginalized. But like in Sideral, I find the power and strength in the […]

  • L–ParadisoXXXI108-3-RVB
    26 January 2023
    By Clotilde Couturier

    Interview with Kamal Aljafari, director of Paradiso, XXXI, 108  Where and when does Paradiso, XXXI, 108 take place?Paradiso, XXXI, 108 is taking place in Al-Naqab desert, in the south of Palestine. From which material did you get the military pictures? Did you do editing?The material is coming from films commissioned by the Israeli Army. They were didactic, educational propaganda films, where basically being […]

  • I-SmokeGetsInYourEyes-1-RVB
    26 January 2023
    By Abla Kandalaft

    Interview with Alvin Lee, director of Smoke Gets in Your Eyes Where did the idea for this film come from?          This story is a cumulative memory of my experiences in attending funeral wakes. I realised funeral wake nowadays have little to do with the deceased. In Singapore, we often see family members and funeral wake guests chatting leisurely, discussing business, drinking alcohol, and […]

  • L–LaMécaniqueDesFluides-2-RVB
    25 January 2023
    By Clotilde Couturier

    Interview with Gala Hernández López, director of La Mécanique des fluides [The Mechanics of Fluids] What prompted you to make a film about the issues raised by the messages left by Anathematic Anarchist? Do you plan to make other films addressing these issues?My initial desire was to make a film about the solitude specific to digital capitalism through the example of dating apps. […]

  • F–Bellus-6-RVB
    25 January 2023
    By Élise Loiseau

    Interview with Alexis Pazoumian, director of Bellus What did you want to explore through the relationship between Michel and Santos in the film?Bellus follows Michel’s inner and spiritual journey. The film tells the story from the perspective of the young man. It is not a story of conversion, but of a winding path toward a form of redemption. Evangelical religion plays a very […]

  • L–FantasyInAConcreteJungle-2-RVB
    25 January 2023
    By Clotilde Couturier

    Interview with Mehedi Mostafa, director of Fantasy in a Concrete Jungle How much are you interested in urbanization? Do you have further projects on this topic?I studied architecture in Dhaka, maybe that’s why I’m interested in urbanism and urbanization. I used to think Dhaka would become a well-designed city and it’s possible. Surely, it was a utopia. But utopia is important for the […]

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