
  • F–GoFishboy-2-RVB
    23 January 2023
    By Clotilde Couturier

    Interview with Denise Cirone, Sebastian Doringer, Andrey Kolesov, Chiayu Liu, Zhen Tian and Lan Zhou, co-directors of Go Fishboy Was Go Fishboy’s conception starting point an idea or a picture, such as a drawing?The seed for the story came from writing games we did at school. Two of our team members, Sebastian and Zhen, came up with the idea of a boy, who […]

  • I-TheAgeOfInnocence-1-RVB
    22 January 2023
    By Abla Kandalaft

       Interview with Maximilian Bungarten, director of The Age of Innocence  Who or what inspired you the character of Lev?Young men that work on a construction sites. In Germany, we have high demand for qualified skilled workers so a lot of young men are starting to work on a construction site in their teenage years. Some of them just only to make some […]

  • L–PleaseMakeItWork-1-RVB
    22 January 2023
    By Clotilde Couturier

    Interview with Daniel Soares, director of Please Make it Work  Did you use an in-camera editing technique, without additional elements? Is it for you an experiment or a routine?The film is really just one continuous take with no hidden cuts. It was an experiment and ended up working in the very last take of the only shoot day we had. But it is definitely also […]

  • I-WaThakarinaWaUnthana-3-RVB
    22 January 2023
    By Abla Kandalaft

    Interview with Ahmad Alyaseer, director of Wa Thakarina Wa Unthana [Our Males and Females] What gave you the idea of exploring this story? Is it based on any kind of real life experience?My sister and I got inspired to write the story after meeting Bousi, a transgender woman from the Arab region. Her story stood out to us and was extremely touching. Bousi […]

  • F–LeFeuAuLac-4-RVB
    21 January 2023
    By Clotilde Couturier

    Interview with Pierre Menahem, director of Le Feu au lac [Fire at the Lake] How did you come up with the idea for Le Feu au lac?  At the outset, I was thinking of the high mountain terrain that I know very well, a landscape in the widest sense: a valley, its villages, its inhabitants, the country folk and secondary residents, like myself. A […]

  • I-Takanakuy-1-RVB
    21 January 2023
    By Élise Loiseau

    Interview with Vokos, director of Takanakuy  What was the starting point of Takanakuy?  Takanakuy is a Peruvian province tradition in which differences are resolved through violence. For the community, the ritual represents a catharsis. The film represents the same for me: it is a narrative in which I was able to reframe questions about the concept of masculinity that I have carried since […]

  • I-TheTrappedPig-2-RVB
    21 January 2023
    By Abla Kandalaft

    Interview with Binghan Lin, director of The Trapped Pig When and where did you film this short? What was the situation with Covid? I shot this short film in Cining, a city in Northwest China, in 2020 summer. In that time, the situation with Covid was not good, and many people and the government feared of losing control of the epidemic, and they did […]

  • L–TheTextualWayOfContemporaryDialogue-1-RVB
    21 January 2023
    By Clotilde Couturier

    Interview with Ting Chi-Wen , director of The Textual Way of Contemporary Dialogue How did you get the inspiration for The Textual Way of Contemporary Dialogue?Last year I read a book, The Order of Time by Carlo Rovelli. At the same time, I was also studying the image theory of Gilles Deleuze. I found that most of the dialogue in fictions is still traditionally […]

  • F–IKemiVarrosBaballaret-3-RVB
    21 January 2023
    By Élise Loiseau

    Interview with Hekuran Isufi, director of I Kemi Varros Baballarët I Kemi Varros Baballarët deals with Dardan’s return  from France to Kosovo to visit his father’s grave. What were you interested in exploring with a film that talks about exile and mourning?  The film talks about a country that’s still marked by its past, by war – by the past that still weighs down […]

  • I-Palestine87-1-RVB
    20 January 2023
    By Abla Kandalaft

    Interview with Bilal Alkhatib, director of Palestine 87  The film is based on a true story. How did you hear about it? Why did you decide to tell it as a short film? This film tells a story from the 1987 Intifada; it is believed to be a true story. I heard about it from a taxi driver, although I embellish it for cinematic […]

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