

Lunch with Le Jour où j’étais perdu [One Day When I Was Lost]

Interview with Soufiane Adel, director of Le Jour où j’étais perdu [One Day When I Was Lost]  alk to us about the bond that unites the Voyager and Alain’s […]

2 February 2023

Short talk- Zoel Aeschbacher

Watch the interview with the Swiss filmmaker Zoel Aeschbacher about his short film Fairplay selected in the 2023 National Competition (F10 programme).

1 February 2023

Breakfast with Las Criaturas Que se Derriten Bajo el Sol [The Melting Creatures]

Interview with Diego Céspedes, director of Las Criaturas Que se Derriten Bajo el Sol [The Melting Creatures] How did you get the inspiration for Las Criaturas Que se Derriten […]

1 February 2023

Lunch with Ovan Gruvan

Interview with Théo Audoire and Lova Karlsson, co-directors of Ovan Gruvan  How did you learn of the situation in this city? Lova had been there several times, so she had […]

27 January 2023

Dinner with Le Feu au lac [Fire at the Lake]

Interview with Pierre Menahem, director of Le Feu au lac [Fire at the Lake] How did you come up with the idea for Le Feu au lac?  At the outset, […]

21 January 2023

Short Talk – Lubna Playoust

Watch the interview with the French filmmaker Lubna Playoust about her short film Le Cormoran selected in the 2022 National Competition (F10 programme).

11 February 2022

Breakfast with Le Cormoran [The Cormorant]

Interview with Lubna Playoust, director of Le Cormoran [The Cormorant] What interested you in the mother-daughter relationship?Childhood bonding and its evolution through time, and the subtle elements that reveal […]

9 February 2022

Short Talk – Nans Laborde-Jourdàa

Watch the interview with the French filmmaker Nans Laborde-Jourdàa about his short film Léo la nuit selected in the 2022 National Competition (F10 programme).

6 February 2022

Nightcap with Léo la nuit [Léo by Night]

Interview with Nans Laborde-Jourdàa, director of Léo la nuit [Léo by Night] Where did you come up with the idea for Léo la nuit?I wanted to show something about […]

6 February 2022
Little Berlin-2-RVB

Tea time with Little Berlin

Interview with Kate McMullen, director of Little Berlin Why were you interested in the Berlin wall at first?I started thinking about it in 2019, when Germany was celebrating 30 years […]

1 February 2022
Clermont ISFF | F10 | Clermont ISFF
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