Interview with Stefan Langthaler, director of Fabiu To somebody who hasn’t seen the movie, how would you introduce it? Fabiu is a film about aging and unfulfilled desires. It’s the story of an old man who is confronted with suppressed longing when a young caregiver comes into his life. Under the eyes of his seriously ill wife, the old man struggles with his feelings, but […]
Interview with Mara Cerri and Magda Guidi, codirectors of Sogni al Campo Is the boy based on someone you know or some kind of personal story? The child does not represent anyone in particular, he is any child who finds himself facing growing up. Of course the story contains fragments from our own lives, but it becomes a universal story. Can you tell […]
Interview with Don Josephus Raphael Eblahan, director of Hilum (Remedy) Can you explain the choice of title? Hilum means two different things in our language. In the Tagalog language, “hilum/hilom” means “remedy”, while in the Visayan language it means “silence”. I grew up in Manila where we speak Tagalog, while my mother grew up in the Visayan region where they speak Bisaya – […]
Interview with Vincent Tricon, director of À propos de Lanzarote en général et de Michel Houellebecq en particulier [About Lanzarote in General and Michel Houellebecq in Particular] How did the idea for the film come about? I was tickled by the idea of showing Houellebecq vacationing. On holiday, this sacred monster of literature looks like anybody else with his flip-flops and sunburn. It’s […]
Interview with Xavier Seron, director of Sprötch Spoiler alert! What a surprising film, going from laughter to horror. Tell us a bit about the choice of tone and the change of tone. Black humor is quite a peculiar thing. We laugh at what seems to be inappropriate. And the death of a child is certainly one of the worst things imaginable. However, it […]